Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wheel Yard Art (3)

To my knowledge, this is the last in my wheel yard art series.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wheel Yard Art (2)

When I posted the wagon wheel yard art yesterday, I didn't know that this was going to be a series. BUT, as I walked around town this morning I caught glimpse of two more yards sporting yard art made from wheels. I will post this one today and another tomorrow. I wonder if I will run into more, now that I have noticed it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wagon Wheel Yard Decoration

An afternoon stroll through the drizzle revealed this yard decoration next to the road.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Scenery Photographed on my way to pick up my Girl Scout Cookies

I got my Girl Scout Cookies today. I was just wondering the other day about when they would come in and was elated to get the phonecall today. We ordered a few boxes of all of our favorites: Samoas [our ABSOLUTE FAVES], Tagalongs, AllAbouts and Thin Mints. I would have ordered Lemon Coolers, but unfortunately they are no longer being sold. Bummer. I am very good at saving them, spacing them out and making them last all year. We just finished off the last of the Thin Mints in December. My friends remember that I packed a box of Thin Mints over a year ago in January to take to the hospital when I had my baby.
What are your favorite Girl Scout/Campfire cookies? Do you eat them all or save them?

Sunday, March 09, 2008