Friday, December 07, 2007

Star Mill, Another View

This is a barn that is visible from the Star Mill. I haven't read anything more about the fire yet, but I am thinking of the owners and my heart goes out to them. This building is over 100 years old and a familiar landmark on the Alpine Highway out to Highland, Ut.


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Hopefully they'll get back on their feet soon. Old stores like this one are so beautiful and, I think, important for any city or town to have.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I love this barn! I always love seeing them. They all have their own story.

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Visiting for the first time. I like this series, although the circumstances of the fire is unfortunate. In this shot, the tangled snow-covered branches provide interesting texture to the background.

Anonymous said...

That barn reminds me of my favorite song

Kate said...

These are hard to see after a tragedy.

Dhandal said...

Hi, u seem to be a photography enthusiast. nice collection. how is it that u came across my blog? do u mind replying on my blog? thanks.

smilnsigh said...

Great photo of a great old building.


Jessica said...

Hello maate nice blog