Saturday, January 19, 2008

"You Make My Day" Award

I got 2 "You Make My Day" awards this week, one from Rambling Round and another from Jim. Thanks, you guys, isn't it funny how you said I made your day, but you TOTALLY made mine!

OK, here's the rules:

"Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."

Of course, being an avid blog reader, there are many sites that touch me daily, mostly photo blogs, but of course I read all sorts.

I had trouble picking only ten, but here goes:

To bloggers who have great photos and always leaves such nice comments on my blog:
Rambling Round (You can give it back, right?)
Jim (Again, it's okay to give it back, huh?)

To ladies that are fun to read:

To Digital Freebie Goodness:

Note to recipients: Know that this is in good fun, and meant to be a compliment, so if you want to receive the award and don't feel like you have the time to pass it on, that's OK with me. Just know that you have made my day, many times, and I appreciate your bloggy goodness!

Note to everyone else: Like I said, there are lots of awesome blogs I love, so if you didn't get a "Make My Day Award" from me, there is a chance you should have!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award. That's a cool idea I plan on passing to others!

American Fork, huh? I camped up in a crack in the mountains near there 2 summers ago. I came out to go to church and was astounded to see 9 LDS steeples at once from my vantage point!!! It sure is easy to find a place for Sacrament Meeting there :-)

IkeaGoddess said...

Thank you for the award, that is very sweet of you.

smilnsigh said...

Thank you! You are sweet to do this!!! I'm so happy you enjoy my blog.


Janet said...

Thanks! You have just made my day again!