Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Seen From I-15 (1 of 5): La Vigna

This stripmall type shopping area is near the target and the "real" movie theater (not the DOLLAR theater:) ). There is some type of an ebay store, a sunglass hut store and La Vigna. La Vigna used to be Ottavios and our Dr. gave us a gift certificate to Ottavios when he delivered our baby a while back. The food and service and ambience was incredible. We had such a fabulous time. I am not the hugest tomato soup fan, but the tomato-basil bisque was a soup to write home, your journal and your blog about!! LOL

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I don't think I could go to the La Vigina because it reminds me too much of a body part. it would be hilarious if your ob/gyn was handing out gift certificates to La Vigina now.