Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tree Trimming

It finally quit snowing around here (it actually just snowed last Friday!!) and it was all of a sudden a sunny 81 degrees yesterday! Today a little breeze is blowing and the weather is around 55, perfect for yardwork. People all over town are working in their yards and gardens. I think I will do the same!


CrazyCow said...

While I always feel sad when a tree must be cut down, it is still very interesting to watch how these guys do it. If it's a really tall tree, they sometimes have to climb up, and cut it off a bit at a time.

Lynette said...

People at my office made themselves sore working in their yards on the sunny and/or warmer weekend. I for one enjoyed it and am also glad I don't have a yard!

ft. lauderdale daily photo said...

Snow last Friday? Brrr. Glad spring has sprung in your area.

Thank you for visiting Fort Lauderdale Daily Photo. Your comment was stuck in my spam filter, for some unknown reason. Just posted it.

Happy yard work!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

There's a mad yardwork book going on here, too. Yesterday we walked to nursery (15 minutes each way) and carried back a flat plus of plants and planted all but the three tomatoes.