Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Brandon Mull at the AF Library Fablehaven Activity

The Fablehaven activity at the Library was FABULOUS. So much creativity and hardwork went into the details. We had a blast. This is Brandon Mull, author of the Fablehaven series. I have read the first two books, but need to start the third, since my hubby just finished this weekend.
Brandon Mull had a very friendly and fun question and answer session, followed by signing autographs. I dressed as Hugo (Huga??), though most people couldn't tell, and went with two handsome satyrs. A very fun time!!


Profile Not Available said...

Great shot of the author! I love book signings! I don't know this series, but I am off to look it up!

Neva said...

I think I will have to check this book series out! It sounds good.

Martha said...

Great reaading