Monday, October 15, 2007

American Fork Canyon Signage

This is a sign posted at the Swinging Bridge Picnic Area up American Fork Canyon. The picnic area is part of the Timp Caves National Monument, which celebrated it's 85th anniversary yesterday.

There have always been signs warning of bears in the canyon, but rarely a sighting. This summer, however, that changed. There was a fatal bear attack up American Fork Canyon and bear sightings all over the state, especially in Utah Valley. Although this is the first documented death by bears in Utah's history, this has shaken us (and others) up and we haven't camped in our favorite primitive spots all summer.

On a lighter note, this sign caught my eye. I only wish the bear in the picture was riding a motorcycle!


Anonymous said...

I agree. The bear should be riding a motorcycle. On a more serious note... that is very scary. We have had some bears come down the mountain and into the city here in Albuquerque. No attacks have been reported.

Lynette said...

This is a sad thing to read, but I'm glad you posted it anyway because it's a reminder that we have to look out for ourselves when enjoying nature. I'm curious, though, why the hints about what to do if you encounter a bear are the sort of small print of the sign and not even beneath a headline that leads you to read it.